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Important Websites

*While we try to give the most current information, this is not a mutually exclusive list. Please verify information.

Traveler with Suitcase

E & O Insurance

We do not give legal advice, but recommend speaking to a lawyer, accountant, and other professionals when setting up your business. We also recommend having your own professional liability insurance. What is E&O insurance, and what does it cover? Here is an article that talks about it.

Below is a list of companies we are aware of that offer Professional Liability Insurance/ Errors & Omission (E&O) insurance.

  • Berkshire & Hathaway

  • BiBerk

  • Hiscox


*Sun Day Travel, LLC does have E& O insurance with a $500 deductible per occurrence and covers Independent contractors up to $1,000,000 per year provided that they book under the name Sun Day Travel, LLC directly, and follow all booking guidelines.


Open Suitcase

Seller of Travel License

As of October 2024, there are 4 states that require a seller of travel to sell travel to it’s residence. Florida, California, Hawaii, and Washington. While we at Sun Day Travel, LLC try to stay up to date on the requirements (and share them with you), it is your responsibility as Independent Contractors to know what the legal requirements are. Please check with Your state to see if there are requirements. Please check with your home state to see what your requirements are there as well.


​Florida Seller of Travel: ST45089


As of 2024 IC’s Are required to file yearly exemptions in Florida and is currently $50 yr.

FL SOT Exemption Form is here

Agency: Sun Day Travel, LLC

Address: 11162 Daisy Ln Cedar Lake, IN 46303

Seller of travel: ST45089





FRAUD & tips for Prevention

In our increasing virtual environment, fraudulent charges, and charge backs are increasing. As Independent contractors, you are responsible for any flatulent charge or charge back. It is easier to prevent than to fix after. Here are some tips...


  • Only book Travel over 30 days or more out

  • Always collect a copy of passport or ID that match who is paying

  • Only book travel for US residents and citizens (unless you’re Liz) ;)

  • If someone contacts you to book a flight from a foreign county to another country (or to the US) do not book.

  • If someone is in a rush to book or trying to travel very soon (unless this is an established client).

  • Make sure the cc holder fills out the cc auth form and that names match what you are booking.

*Keep in mind If it sounds to good to be true- it most likely is...



Legally, If there is a dispute, the credit card company and or vendor make the final decision. This could result in them taking back commissions or fees paid and you will need to pay them back if they have been paid to you.


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